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Beatz Rock Midi Drum Files Pack

Midi drum file packs for GM BFD ezdrummer addictive drums

Two and four bar grooves! We got rid of them because they have no place in our library. In this massive rock library we have produced grooves that let you get on quickly with what you want to do, make music.

Our midi drum files are arranged into parts to help you quickly and clearly arrange a track, intro, verse, bridge, chorus, etc. They are all individually played (no cutting and pasting here) and never ever quantized.
Because these grooves are in the GM Midi format they will fly into every sequencer (Logic, Pro tools, Ableton, Garageband etc) the grooves are also mapped for the newest drum synth's (BFD, Ezdrummer, Addictive Drums). 

These midi grooves are inspired by the current top bands out there today.

This huge pack contains 40 individually drummed tracks with many alternative parts, well over 500 midi files, More than 2 hours of drumming. Available as instant download. Buy it now for $7.99

© 2015 BeatzandBreakz Inc .Registered in UK. Pro Midi Drum Files


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